Sexkontakte Hamburg Wiltz
DOC kb. Sexbörsen Wiltz Treffen Sie Mädchen für Sex in anderen Städten: Heisse Frauen treffen Waiblingen, Diskrete Treffen Hønefoss, Sex Inserate Mürzzuschlag
Metrics details. Existing research has documented inconsistent findings for the associations among breakfast frequency, physical activity PA , and sedentary time in children. The primary aim of this study was to examine the associations among breakfast frequency and objectively-measured PA and sedentary time in a sample of children from 12 countries representing a wide range of human development, economic development and inequality.
The secondary aim was to examine interactions of these associations between study sites. Model covariates included age, sex, highest parental education, body mass index z-score, and accelerometer waking wear time. Participants averaged 60 s. Controlling for covariates, breakfast frequency was not significantly associated with total daily or afternoon PA and sedentary time. For the morning, frequent breakfast consumption was associated with a higher proportion of time in MVPA 0.
No significant associations were found when comparing occasional with rare or frequent breakfast consumption, or daily with less than daily breakfast consumption. Very few significant interactions with study site were found. In this multinational sample of children, frequent breakfast consumption was associated with higher MVPA and light PA time and lower sedentary time in the morning when compared with rare breakfast consumption, although the small magnitude of the associations may lack clinical relevance.
Peer Review reports. Frequent breakfast consumption is associated with lower levels of obesity and lower chronic disease risk factors in children [ 1 , 2 , 3 ].
Yet, globally around one third of children do not consume breakfast daily [ 3 , 4 ]. The question remains as to whether consuming breakfast regularly causes a reduction in obesity risk, through lower daily energy intakes or higher physical activity PA , or whether breakfast consumption is an indicator of healthy lifestyle habits [ 5 ].