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Share your interactive ePaper on all platforms and on your website with our embed function. Arion Study Visits Instead of programmes which are too general or too wide and mixed in their approach,the organisers now tend to offer programmes which are better targeted, or whichconcentrate on a specific aspect of one of the themes of the programme.
The information sheets on the study visits,drafted on the basis of information forwarded by the Member States, the EFTAcountries or the new countries which participate in the programme, aim at helping theeducation specialists to make an appropriate choice.
This catalogue refers to theobjectives and to activities for exchanging information. An analytical summary isattached to this catalogue. StattStudienprogrammen, die zu allgemein oder zu breit und uneinheitlich in ihrem Ansatzsind, bieten die Organisatoren nunmehr Programme an, die besser abgestimmt sindund sich nur auf einen spezifischen Aspekt der Themen des Programms beziehen. Aus diesem Grund wurde die Eine analytische Zusammenfassung der Themen ist imAnhang des Katalogs zu finden.
Note for the readerEach information sheet of this catalogue contains the data, which should enable thecandidates to choose the study visit which suits them best: the theme, the organiser,the period, the objectives, the programme description, the working language, ….
Mostinformation sheets also contain the address of the web page of the organiser, thusgiving way to more detailed information. Special attention should be paid to the working language. The first languagementioned is the language of the country visited.