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To browse Academia. Amanda Machin , Nico Stehr. Rochelle R. This course explores the study of social inequality and sociological approaches to this topic. Evidence of social, political and economic inequality is pervasive in society, and its causes and proposed solutions are often the subject of fierce debate in academia and broader society.
Growing domestic and global poverty, the persistence of racial, ethnic, gender, class discrimination and the increasing visibility of inter-and intra-country differences in wealth and income are just some aspects of contemporary social inequality. This course introduces students to ongoing debates about the sources and consequences of inequality, while also exploring how social inequality is enacted and perpetuated daily.
This course will cover basic concepts and facts as well as both classical and contemporary theoretical debates. Jennifer Jarman. Sarada Prasanna Das. IOSR Journals. Economic and productivity growth are the underlying philosophies of the capitalist economies. Liberals also believe that social and economic inequality is a necessary precondition for a sustained growth, and inequality between countries is necessary for growth, and within creates social strata, divisions, civil strife, and disobedience.
This paper examined the various positions, highlighting the impact of social and economic inequality on social cohesion and disruption, global peace, economic growth, on individuals and nations. We observed that GDP growth in countries with higher inequality does not trickle down into well-being indices such as access to health care, education, trade, and other social safety programs.
Productivity growth raise output, and output growth creates the market condition necessary for competition and we conclude that social and economic inequality is a natural phenomenon that is necessary for economic growth. Developing countries should reduce the negative impact of higher inequalities through the provision of social safety programs, health care, and education that will reduce the widening gap and create a sense of well-being, social justice, and increased participation in the social, economic, and political process.