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Performance was just slightly better without OTT and that was strange. BTW it still performed the same on ultra and on low. Every time I do some test I do the details tests too. I finally managed to get stable fps by reading into what the nvidia settings actually do. Ultra being zero. That setting obviously contradicts the pre rendered frames setting.
I now have low latency - off and pre rendered VR frames set to 3. Smoothest experience so far. Do you have a Rift S? Of course I need to replicate it again and take some screen shoots.
Ok buddy, I responded after reading the entire post to try to help you. Maybe OTT off would work to you like me, but your answers seem to be a bit rude. Superb, if like me you only fly IFR. No, I mostly fly GA - low and slow. True - a lot of work, but my XP looks very nice. I have no regrets for anything except the visualization of the weather and trees. Here MSFS is unbeatable for now.
I was replying to LinerXiandra as it shows at the top corner of the post. Stutters are now back even after reboot which always worked before. Here I come again with stuttering! So something even stranger happened today then the last time I complained about stuttering please assume that I have everything setup and adjusted properly before replying.
Guess what? There was no stuttering at the same settings as they were for RTX Super!!! CPU in both cases was on all cores 4. Flight was 3rd leg of France bush trip and both runs. I flew the same leg, same settings, same flight path, same stunts and low flying on both runs. GPU limitation are always better whatever reason it is vsync, frame limiter, divisor of native headset Hz, etc. This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed. LukaCMF April 26, , am ClydeChBarrow April 26, , am EverydayJam April 26, , am LukaCMF April 26, , pm EverydayJam April 26, , pm For me as if you have 1 FPS … have a good day.