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Absolute Blacktop provides high-quality driveway and parking lot sealcoating, paving, and repairs. We also provide commercial snow plowing and snow removal. We appreciate your time in visiting our website. Our company is an independently owned, small business located in the City of Worcester. Absolute Blacktop has been in business for over seven years. Thanks to our outstanding clients, our business continues to grow every year. Email Address. High quality hot pour sealcoating complete with crack filling and edging.
Why spend thousands replacing your existing driveway or parking lot when a high quality, hot pour crack filling will do the trick. Crack Filling will save you money and extend the life of your pavement by years! Every single job is quoted by the owner of Absolute Blacktop, Tim Foley. Your business depends on customer access no matter what the weather! In New England, we can handle the cold and snow. Book Appointment.
About Absolute Blacktop. Request Quote. Our Services. Tell us what you Need! Sealcoating High quality hot pour sealcoating complete with crack filling and edging. Pour Crack Filling Why spend thousands replacing your existing driveway or parking lot when a high quality, hot pour crack filling will do the trick.
Commercial Snow Removal Your business depends on customer access no matter what the weather! Request a Project Quote.