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To browse Academia. Globalization marks the world economy in an increasingly visible manner, and tourism makes no exception. Actually, the tourism is the most visible expression of globalization, involving one of the greatest flows of goods, services and people in the world. To conclude will realize a SWOT analysis of their behavior. Tourism of culture Journal. Diversity in societies and businesses has become an important issue in recent years, which can create new opportunities as well as being challenging.
Regarding tourism, due to the close intercultural relations in this industry, especially in relation to tourism businesses and the increasing number of multinational companies in the process of globalization of societies, the issue of diversity has become doubly important.
Various studies have emphasized that diversity and its dimensions have different manifestations in different industries. Therefore, the present article examines the impact of globalization on labor and customer diversity and the need for diversity management specifically in the tourism industry and describes it as a systematic process.
Ady Milman. Aleksandra Grobelna. One of the earlier definitions of cross-cultural management focuses on its behavioral aspects and underlines an importance of interaction of people from different cultures. This definition is based on the description of organizational behavior within countries and cultures on one hand and of organizational behavior across countries and cultures on another.
Peoples from different countries often work together in the same environment creating specific interactions but they can also built special relationships during their leisure time.