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To browse Academia. Carmen Panadero Delgado. Angiie A Islas. El Corral de Comedias de Almagro, construido en , es una estructura destinada al teatro de especial valor, afortunadamente conservada en sus elementos esenciales.
Construido en un momento de esplendor en la ciudad, se ha mantenido a lo largo de los siglos a pesar de las prohibiciones de uso en determinados momentos. Built at a time of splendour in the city, it has remained throughout the centuries despite the prohibitions of use at certain times.
The present study analyses the constructive qualities of its stone and factory structure and especially the wooden structures. Study their dimensions and their proportions both in the lateral galleries and, above all, in the front of the scene.
Finally, we realise a journey through the process of restoration of this space from the mid-twentieth century to the present. Rolando Herrera. There is analyzed his possible medieval and eremitic origin. Marco Antonio Rodriguez Rojo. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Chuse Bolea. Related Papers. Almibar y caramelos.
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