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To browse Academia. Sara Concilio. Fatima Farina. Giorgio Porcelli. Sonoriportate estrapolazioni tratte da interviste a donne che hanno subito violenza all'interno di una relazione coniugale e che si sono rivolte a un centro antiviolenza del territorio campano dopo molti anni di permanenza nella relazione. Diventa allora rilevante il ruolo dei luoghi d'ascolto e di strutture protette in cui le donne possano sconfiggere il terrore che aveva disorganizzato ilpensiero e la parola per uscire dal silenzio con azioni appropriate.
The authors show the continuity that exists between State Dictatorship and Private Dictatorship, pointing out how the both use a terror-based strategy rather than a fear-based one.
If in the totalitarian regimes in which terror reigns it is almost impossible to organize the dissent or the resistance without an economic or socio-politic support, in women victims of violence the silence, often incomprehensible, it is the effect of the impotent passiveness intentionally produced by the Private Dictator; such wounds of the body and the mind don't enhance escapement, as fear naturally would, but forced.
Fortuna Procentese. Gender violence is generally conceived as a phenomenon concerning only adults. We therefore have focused our attention on a non-probabilistic sample consisting of adolescents living in Naples Italy , to study the association between sexism and the justification of violent attitudes. Generally, sexism is recognised as a discriminatory attitude towards people, based on their biological sex. However, it is conventional to talk about sexism as a prejudice against women.
English Abstract: This article describes the development of the Italian feminist political lexicon on gender-based violence within the security frame in the last years. On the one hand, feminist movements criticized the processes of criminalization and victimization produced by the security frame and denounced the underlying nexus between sexism and racism. On the other hand, they addressed the essentialism deriving from these processes. Maria Martinez. This article focuses on the subject of feminism in the specific context of contemporary Spain.