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Such an approach to law also opens a productive dialogue between neighboring disciplines, law, history and sociology and offers an empirical laboratory through historical case studies. Citas sexuales Andújar Más chicas para citas: Sexo en la granja Ibagué, Sexo en la cocina Viladecans, Ligues sin compromiso Popayán
To browse Academia. Armando Marques-Guedes. Our paper aims to discuss this reality through the theoretical debate of the exhaustion of the legalist paradigm; the concealment of pluralism inherent to legal order; and the questioning of the functions of statutory law in the legal system. When statutory law was converted into the primary social control in the XIX century a series of presuppositions were constructed. We argue that they can no longer stand because such paradigm ignores the dynamics of the application of statutes and its hermeneutical character and it conceals the political consequences of decision making.
We will analyze these two aspects from the stand point of four basic presuppositions that support them: that there is a complete or at least a high standard of transparency between the citizen and the legislator; that the statutes have a message accessible to all; that social relations are standard and, finally, that the State is the only way to the solution of social conflict. Our paper will propose a new role for statutory law in a context of contemporary societies, and a path, or a methodology that makes the transition of paradigm an open, inaugural process.
With this paper we expect to contribute to the discussion about new methodology of law, to share experiences from different parts of the world in which the methodology of law has been challenged by situations of rights violations, and to diffuse the results of the research conducted in our university in order to perfection it.
Course description The aim of the seminar is to problematize law in socio-legal and multidisciplinary approaches and to trace "law in action" beyond the static and descriptive dimension of legislations. Locating law in its socio-temporal context and considering the legal phenomena as a multi-layered dynamic process, the seminar intends to explore the complex relationship between law, legal institutions and socio-historical dynamics and to problematize law within the social landscape and the particular cultural settings in which it emerges in relation to a variety of social actors.
As Christopher Tomlins argues, the project of situating law in its socio-temporal context engenders an almost infinite set of relationships for examination. Normative approaches investigating law only understand it within the narrow context of legal reforms and are far from reflecting the intellectual and epistemological process, which preceded the ultimate form of legislations. After introducing the major theories on the sociology of law, the seminar intends and to explore law as a social product.