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Every August, Copenhagen Pride takes place. Schneller Seitensprung Copenhagen Mehr Mädchen in anderen Städten: Anonyme Treffen Kungälv, Erotik markt Aarau, Erotische Treffen Gladbeck
You can apply for a CPR if you take up residence in Denmark for more than 3 consecutive months. To ensure a smooth processing of your application, please make sure that you provide the documentation necessary when you apply. You apply online via the link below. You can use a laptop or a smartphone. Once your application has been submitted you will receive a confirmation by mail. If you have submitted the correct documentation, you will receive an invitation email with a link to book an appointment.
You must prepare yourself for the meeting by carefully reading the attached documents in the invitation e-mail. We have collected a number of frequently asked questions that you are recommended to explore here.
If you are still in doubt or have further questions, please feel free to contact us through our official channels below. You must provide proof of address either in the form of a rental contract or a housing confirmation. If you live within the City of Copenhagen, you must reside at the address for at least 1 month. Other municipalities might require proof of up to 3 months' stay. Please contact your local citizen service if in doubt.
Download the form: Rental contract Tenancy agreement. You must provide proof of rental or ownership of the employer and a housing confirmation dated and signed by the employer.
Payment receipts may vary in appearance. However, we require that the receipt have the following information:. We require to see a valid passport when you register for a CPR number. We do not accept expired passports. Please upload the picture page of your passport. A national identity card is a travel document with a photo and is issued by an official authority. A driver's license is not approved.