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Whilst investigating the effects of asymmetric punishment in the regulation of prostitution, the interaction of markedly different legislations for this along the Franco-German border was of interest.
In this report, we present gathered information and data regarding human trafficking and sex work in Germany. We begin by broadly outlining both topics and continue with presenting points that should be considered in future research. The results from a limited survey, where sex workers and counsellors were interviewed, are also presented. In this report, we present data regarding human tracking and the forced prostitution with which it is often connected, as well as data regarding voluntary and consensual sex work.
Though we present these topics alongside one another because of the many possible ways in which they may be connected, we do not make any correlating assumptions. There are different claims regarding the existence of a correlation between sexual exploitation and prostitution policies. Working under the assumption that a correlation does exist, it is still unclear what it would look like Sonnabend and Stadtmann, While some argue that legalising sex work leads to an increased social acceptance of the phenomenon and thereby also increased demand for voluntary sex work.
It also makes it easier and cheaper for criminals to track people and find customers that, unwittingly or not, pay for sex from victims of human tracking for sexual exploitation Sonnabend and Stadtmann, ; Cho et al. On the other hand, restricting or criminalising sex work may make it less likely for such victims, as well as buyers of sexual services of any kind, to collaborate with police forces to report illicit activities related to human tracking Bisschop et al. Thus, when sex work is criminalised, any that remains will move into the dark, and hence become much more difficult to control Scoular, Sonnabend and Stadtmann found that different empirical studies have given rather contradictory results.
For instance, whilst Cho et al. On the other side of the spectrum, a report by the New Zealand Government and a study on human tracking in Europe Hernandez and Rudolph, suggest that no links between the sex industry and human tracking can be made. Instead, Hernandez and Rudolph would argue that human tracking in Europe stems mostly within already existing migratory and refugee corridors and is more likely to happen where host countries have weaker institutions, higher general crime rates and more liberal border controls.