Mature women in Denmark
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Skip to content. Skip to navigation. Subscribe to the latest news from the Nordic Labour Journal by e-mail. The newsletter is issued 9 times a year. Subscription is free of charge. Amalie Schwartz is a newly qualified electrician and the only woman in a workplace with 80 people. She is busy changing that disparity every day at work and as an ambassador for the Boss Ladies project. This is a myth. In my experience, workplaces with a mixed workforce have a better environment and atmosphere.
The master builders smile back and listen carefully. They are all men and subcontractors to the entrepreneur company BAM Denmark, which is currently constructing three new schools and an indoor swimming pool for the City of Copenhagen. It is a big job. Amalie Schwartz in conversation with painter decorator Bo Bjerregaard and carpenter Christoffer Crillesen.
Some of these apprenticeships should of course go to girls, argues Amalie Schwartz. But it is difficult for a girl to get an apprenticeship, even though there is an acute lack of labour in the building and construction industry and it is struggling to find apprentices.
The participating subcontractors have been invited by the project owner and the main entrepreneur BAM Denmark, whose project director Carina Dahl Philipsen wishes everyone welcome and expresses support for the work that is being done by Amalie Schwartz and Boss Ladies to get more women into the construction industry. As a Boss Ladies ambassador Amalie Schwartz visits schools and construction sites to make it easier for girls to get into male occupations.
Amalie Schwartz is one of more than female apprentices and fully trained female craftspeople who are ambassadors for the Boss Ladies project. They visit elementary schools and technical colleges and meet parties in the construction industry to tell them about how girls can find exciting work in the construction business and in maritime and technical professions — which all traditionally attract mainly boys. They also tell employers about the benefits of choosing girls.