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Sample translated sentence: Moreover, an honest person is someone with integrity who does not cheat his fellowman. Show algorithmically generated translations.
Glosbe Translate. Add example Add Translations of "cheat" into Papiamento in sentences, translation memory. Declension Stem. Moreover, an honest person is someone with integrity who does not cheat his fellowman. So, what if one of them says that it is all right to cheat on a school test or to take something from a store without paying for it?
Imagine how disheartening it is, for example, when a wife cheats on her faithful husband and lies to cover up the immoral affair. Do Not Cheat! University and college campuses are notorious for bad behavior —drug and alcohol abuse, immorality, cheating , hazing, and the list goes on. However, it is not only those at the highest levels of society who cheat.
For some, constant pressure to get good grades leads to cheating. I want to hire them because I know for a fact that they are honest, sincere, and trustworthy, and they will not cheat you. Many are swayed by the prevalence of cheating among their peers. While most people would never think of committing a violent crime, many have no qualms about engaging in sexual immorality, lying, or cheating.
God and Christ have nothing to do with those who claim to serve them but who cheat and swindle, kill and plunder, and do many other things that cause human suffering.