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The lesbian , gay , bisexual , transgender and queer LGBTQ people in the Philippines are generally accepted in Filipino society , and it has been ranked among the most gay-friendly countries in Asia. Kasarian Tagalog for " gender " is defined in less binary terms than the English word; [ 7 ] kasarian means "kind, species, or genus".
Gender-crossing practices go back to the history of pre-colonial communities in the Philippines. The babaylans are typically female spiritual leaders, priests, or shamans in native communities, whose position can also be taken by males who crossed genders, and were called asog , among many names.
Neil C. Garcia, the feminized men were similar to women in almost all aspects, except for childbearing. Movements to promote the acceptance of gay people in Philippine society include, but are not limited to, the establishment of the Home of the Golden Gays by Justo Justo , the Women's Movement which focused on the lesbian struggle of Filipinas, the formation of The Lesbian Collective which was the first formal lesbian organization in the country, and the organization of the first LGBT Pride March in Asia and the Pacific on 26 June by Pro-Gay Philippines and Metropolitan Community Church Manila.
The Pride March was organized in connection with the 25th commemoration of the Stonewall uprising in New York in Notable organizers were Murphy Red and Rev. Richard Mickley, then an MCC clergy, and now retired.
There are, however, other individuals and groups who believe that the first pride march in the Philippines was in The community has become generally accepted in society, and has continued to initiate efforts that aim for greater acceptance, protection, and empowerment of its members. Prior to the introduction of Islam to the archipelago and the subsequent colonization by Spain and other European Christians, the region that would become the Philippines was inhabited largely by tribes and larger feudal states that practiced anito animism and Hindu - Buddhist polytheism.