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As it stands the movie is too middle of the road, not knowing what it wants to be, just like the main character and it left me unsatisfied. Sexy girl to fuck in Lowell See other girls: Coventry married women looking in Czestochowa, Down to fuck in Sioux Falls, Aff hillsborough writer girl in Colombia
Menu All All. Sign In. Promising Young Woman Hide Spoilers. I have 3 little ones. Two boys and a girl. I myself went through my own "event" at a Halloween party almost ten years ago when I was a young 20 year old girl. I think what hurts more than the actual night, and the person who did it, it's all the family and close friends who didn't believe me, ignored me, or even blamed me.
After a while you just stop talking about it. You shut it away. This movie sends two clear messages: It doesn't matter what you were wearing, how much you had to drink, your past relationships, if you made the first move If you weren't cognitive enough to make a consensual choice, or you said no, or you fought it, seriously it WAS NOT your fault. And the other clear message, she gave each guy in the movie a chance to do the right thing and they chose not to.
They actively chose to make the wrong choice. So, they were completely at fault and deserved their day of reckoning. I only wish I had a friend even half the character Cassie is in this movie. We haven't spoken in years because of that. Today, her words still haunt me more than that night and make me sick to my stomach. You're loved ones should have your back more than anyone. So the message of true devotion in friendship and sisterhood here was especially lovely.
This isn't something that happens exclusively to only a certain type of woman, this happens to all women. Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote. Bluereviews4you 18 January It is a bit slow moving and less exciting than the trailer suggested, but it was a very unique premise for a movie and it was done quite well. The ending was a shock! It was also interesting to note that no details are elaborated about the sexual assault incidents-implying that we don't need the details to understand that sexual assault is reprehensible across the board, no matter what type.
Some people say this is movie was "anti-man" because men are primarily antagonists, but clearly they are forgetting the female dean represents the system , her mother who is emotionally unavailable and self absorbed , and Alison Brie's character willfully ignorant. Many different parties were responsible for what happened-men and women-especially when it came to find justice. The protagonist herself was in a questionable gray area too with some of her vigilante actions.